ART IN ACTION: Youth Exchange in Trofaiach, Austria (from 25th May to 3th June 2018)

Re-Act and Interaktion Associations seek participants for
Youth Exchange “ART IN ACTION”  – 
Trofaiach, Austria
Enjoy the Eisenerzer Alps in Austria from 25th  May to 3th  June 2018

 erasmus +


What Where When Why Who How

In the spring of May, 2018, 40 young people from 5 different countries will meet in  Trofaiach, Austria, located in the middle of the country at the southern end of the Eisenerzer Alps. Based on the methodology “Action Research Cycle” youth leaders and a team of facilitators will encourage participants to use their own abilities and skills when planning creative and artistic interventions within a community. The ARC methodology can be applied to different areas, however, we decided to focus on arts as art in its various forms can be used by everybody, no matter the age, sex, nationality or language skills. Art is creating a dialog among the people using its different forms (body language, musical instruments, visual art etc) as a channel for intercultural communication. Art is bringing people closer and is opening doors for communication, helping everyone involved to open to the world and it encourages selfdiscovery.


What Where When Why Who How

Activities will take place in real castle in Trofaiach, Austria, however you will also have the opportunity to discover the mountain side of the area and the cities below:



TROFAIACH – a city with 11.000 inhabitants, idyllically situated in the middle of the country at the southern end of the Eisenerzer Alps, offers an excellent, high level infrastructure with a rich range of sport, culture and tourism.

LEOBEN – With a population of about 25,000 it is a local industrial center and hosts the Montanuniversität Leoben, which specialises in mining. You can reach Leoben by bus, the ride from Trofaiach takes about 20 minutes.


The Accommodation: FIVE STAR TENTS FOR 2-3 PEOPLE.

The rest you will have to explore on your own!


What Where When Why Who How

From 25 th May (arrival) – 3th  of June (departure)  2018.


What Where When Why Who How

Several interactive, creative and participatory WORKSHOPS are organised by using the following non-formal education methods:
– group work
– brainstorming
– role play/simulation game
– discussion
– reflection.
Throughout these workshops you will be asked to:
– be on time;
– bare in mind that everyone’s input is equally valued and that no idea is bad;
– respect differences;
– be a team player;
– be actively involved with sharing viewpoints and ideas and HAVE FUN!


What Where When Why Who How

There will be 6 participants (aged between 18 and 29) and 2 group leaders per country (Macedonia, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria and Austria).


What Where When Why Who How

InterAktionIn order to fully participate in this training good command of English is crucial and advised.

We will of course help each other in case of some problems using the other languages which we, as the team, speak, but please remember that English will be the working language of the training.


The evening programme is mainly reserved for getting to know each other and each others cultures.
You will meet young people from Austria, Macedonia, Poland, Spain and even Afghanistan and Syria.

  • Would you like to share your favourite song, dance or a story from your country with the rest of  participants?
  • How would you present your country to them?
  • What do you love the most about your home?
  • Please bring songs, games, food from your country and think of way to express your local culture and how you want to show it to us.


Please do not forget to bring the following:


  • warm jacket for the night (just in case, because the evenings on the sea could be windy)
  • a hat for protection of the sun
  • comfortable shoes or sneakers
  • swimsuit

washing and personal equipment

  • sunscreen
  • personal medicine
  • painkillers (if you need any)
  • mosquito spray
  • personal hygiene items – soap, tootbrush etc.


  • drinking bottle for multiple use (we prefer to be eco friendly and not to use cups for signal usage)

outdoor equipment

  • small backpack for short day trips (if you need one)

Check out (if you like) how to prepare the luggage for youth exchange



  • Board and lodging (breakfast/lunch/dinner – tents, sleeping bags and mats – provided) and programme costs are fully covered.
  • Participation fee for the project is 30 EUR paid to the sending organisation – Re-Act association up to 15.05.2018.
  • We strongly advise the participants to be in possession of travel Insurance for the whole period of the youth exchange is a must.

