Already for one year Re-Act Association is part of the Youth & Commute project implemented with partners from Austria, Sweden, Turkey and North Macedonia under the Erasmus+ programme. The project itself is a structured approach for increasing the mobility of marginalized youth in the big European cities with a simple, yet efficient and cheap solution – commuting with a bicycle.
The focus of the project is to address green transport, mobility, road safety and literacy and the inclusion of marginalized young people (including refugees, migrants and other vulnerable groups). Unfortunately, the lack of accessibility to transportation services and systems is one of the reasons for social exclusion and the simple solution of using a bicycle could provide the target groups with low-cost mobility device, easy to be used and maintained, simple to be learned and ensuring mobility within (or even outside) of the city.
At the end of this article you can find Youth & Commute project leaflet with the summary about the project, it’s goals and the envisaged results that will be on disposal to various youth workers operating everyday with disadvantaged young people.
Additionally, we are happy to invite you to learn more in the dedicated website of the project and it’s Facebook page. Links to both of them you can find here:
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