Re-Act and Interaktion Associations seek participants for Youth Exchange “ART IN ACTION” – Trofaiach, Austria Enjoy the Eisenerzer Alps in Austria from 25th May to 3th June 2018
Re-Act Association seek participants for JOB BROWSER YOUTH EXCHANGE IN DURRES, ALBANIA
Re-Act Association seek participants for JOB BROWSER YOUTH EXCHANGE IN DURRES, ALBANIA Enjoy the Adriatic coast during discovering your career path from 3th to 14th April 2018
Christmas party “Gateway to the World”
And here comes December – the month in which each one of us breathlessly awaits the Christmas holidays and vacation. According to the old tradition just before Christmas vacation Association “Re-Act” and CBS “Angel Uzunov” together prepare surprises for the boys in Rakitovo. This year we will make the traditional Christmas celebration in the boarding […]
To Austria and Back
After each experience of ours what we are left with are our memories and impressions. In the text below you will read about the immediate impressions of five youths aged between 15 and 20 who took part in the Lighthouse+ Project that was held in the municipality of Trofaiach, Austria, between 20th and 30th July […]
Eight boys from the Belgian plane who exhibited deviant behaviour in the past will fly over 2,000km in order to meet eight of our rebels with a similar fate in an adventurous journey, after which they will never be the same … INSPIRATIONAL CAMP FOR INSPIRED YOUTH This is not an advertisement for a […]