Exciting News! Our Research Report is Here!

We’re thrilled to announce that our in-depth research on mental health from the perspective of young people is now finalized across 5 partner countries!  National reports you can find here https://drive.google.com/…/12LHPP7Bq17ip4-688o3WbF…  What’s New: The report has been thoroughly conducted and compiled in each of our 5 partner countries.To ensure accessibility, we’ve translated the report into all […]

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KA 2 Youth & Commute project empowers disadvantaged young people to enjoy green commuting

Already for one year Re-Act Association is part of the Youth & Commute project implemented with partners from Austria, Sweden, Turkey and North Macedonia under the Erasmus+ programme. The project itself is a structured approach for increasing the mobility of marginalized youth in the big European cities with a simple, yet efficient and cheap solution […]

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Shoot by Youth!  2021!

На 21 май 2021 г. стартира Shoot by Youth! – социално видео състезание за младежи, живеещи в Дунавския регион, в рамките на Европейската стратегия за Дунавския регион (EUSDR). Състезанието е организирано от ABLE e.V. в сътрудничество с Ре-Акт (България) и Paritätisches Jugendwerk (Германия), подкрепени от Supernatural (Сърбия), FONT (Румъния), Breza (Хърватия) и Agapedia (Германия) и […]

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