Re-Act Association seek participants for JOB BROWSER YOUTH EXCHANGE IN DURRES, ALBANIA
Enjoy the Adriatic coast during discovering your career path from 3th to 14th April 2018
What Where When Why Who How
In the spring of April, 2018, 42 young people from 7 different countries will meet in Durres, Albania on the beautiful coast of the Adriatic Sea. The aim of the youth exchange is to test job browser method in international context and support youth, including those with fewer opportunities, to make self-assessment, to gain/improve soft skills and to develop their capacity to make decisions about their future professional development.
What Where When Why Who How
Activities will take place in Albanian Star Hotel, however you will also have the opportunity to discover Durres and Tirana.
You can reach Durres by bus from Tirana. Travel reimbursements will be made accordingly to the rules set out in the new Erasmus+ programme guide.
Accommodation will be in the hotel, as well as most of the activities in case of bad weather:
What Where When Why Who How
From 3th (arrival) – 14th (departure) of April 2018.
What Where When Why Who How
Baring in mind that youth unemployment is high in Europe, Young people have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis. A rising number are facing unemployment in Europe, making them feel frustrated, fearful and hopeless. In this segment education and world of work meet in the most direct and visible way. Tailored programmes and services in youth associations are recognized by project partners as investment in young people which will improve their flexibility and security in the labour market and stimulate their active participation in the economic, social and political life. By this project we want to increase capacity of the youth people to develop skills and competences during non-formal education programme in order to support their professional orientation and career decision, including those with fewer opportunities, both at local and European level.
What Where When Why Who How
There will be 5 participants (aged between 18 and 29) and 1 group leader per country (Albania, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia).
What Where When Why Who How
During the project they will learn practical instrument for human resources development (in terms of professional orientation and career decision) called Job Browser. Simultaneously they will discover social goals like: lifelong learning – to fight early leaving of school by young people especially those with fewer opportunities and to inform them about knowledge and skills needed for facing the challenges in the labour market; labour market goal – to reduce gap between offer and demand by dealing with unemployment issue and by improving the quality of youth competences and mobility and social equality and inclusion goal – to promote reintegration of young people into education, training and employment.
During the project the participants will have to use creativity, media devices techniques and theatrical performances empowering their skills as the focus of this youth exchange. Hence creativity as a mindset, an approach to life and not a quality related to artists, will help participants to approach any work or a real life and be aware of the needed soft skills.
The evening programme is mainly reserved for getting to know each other and each other’s culture, using music and stories as a way of presenting national characteristics and culture.
In order to fully participate in this training good command of English is crucial and advised. We will of course help each other in case of some problems using the other languages which we, as the team, speak, but please remember that English will be the working language of the training.
Please bring songs, games, food from your country and think of way to express your local culture and how you want to show it to us.
Please do not forget to bring the following:
- warm jacket for the night (just in case, because the evenings on the sea could be windy)
- a hat for protection of the sun
- comfortable shoes or sneakers
- swimsuit
washing and personal equipment
- sunscreen
- personal medicine
- painkillers (if you need any)
- mosquito spray
- personal hygiene items
- drinking bottle for multiple use (we prefer to be eco friendly and not to use cups for signal usage)
outdoor equipment
- small backpack for short day trips (if you need one)
Check out (if you like) how to prepare the luggage for youth exchange
- Board and lodging (breakfast/lunch/dinner – rooms) and programme costs are fully covered.
- Participation fee for the project is 40 EUR paid to the sending organisation – Re-Act association up to 25.03.2018.
- We strongly advise the participants to be in possession of travel Insurance for the whole period of the youth exchange is a must.
Please fill out the online application form:
PM on the Re-Act FB page